32 m2 wooden house, which is not suitable for living.
8 cm frame structure set on a concrete or wooden floor structure, insulated with rock wool throughout its thickness.
The inside is plasterboard, the outside is covered with wainscoting or noble plaster.
The roof structure is a bracket with nail plates. The ceiling is covered with plasterboard, and the space above it is filled with insulation. The roof is made of tile.
Shutters: they are made with 3 layers of glazing.
The defining element of the design program is to create a modern building that meets the needs of a modern holiday building. In terms of the geometry of the building, it is a light structure building with a ground floor design and a high roof. Regarding the structure of the building, the construction regulations of the ERDÉRT MULTI-MODUL type wooden frame building are authoritative,
In accordance with today's requirements, a light structure building is being built. The design of the building is governed by the zoning and other relevant regulations, as well as Section 50 of the OTÉK. It was carried out on the basis of the customer's request, in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of §
The technical solutions used in the design of the building comply with OTÉK 50. (stability and mechanical strength; fire safety; hygiene, health and environmental protection; safe use; noise and vibration protection; energy saving and thermal protection; life and property protection; natural resources) sustainable use).
The building and its parts, structure, built-in equipment and wiring system are designed in such a way that they are accessible for maintenance, modernization and possible replacement - without jeopardizing the stability of the connected structures - and that they meet the planned or estimated safety requirements required by Hungarian national standards during their lifetime - with safety appropriate to their intended purpose - the requirements of stability and mechanical strength, as well as intended and safe use, provide protection against damage caused by expected effects during the intended use of the structure, and meet and withstand expected loads and impacts .
We implement the building and its parts in accordance with its intended purpose and taking into account the local conditions, so that it:
Durability and mechanical strength: the designed materials comply with 275/2013. (VII. 16.) Korm. requirements prescribed in the decree, there were no deviations from the relevant national standards.